Elections 2024

Hunt seeks re-election to county council


David Hunt is seeking the Republican nomination in a bid for re-election to the Montgomery County Council At Large.

The 54-year-old Crawfordsville resident currently serves as the county council president, a position he also held in 2023. He previously served as the vice president in 2021 and 2022. Prior to serving on the county council, Hunt served as the Montgomery County Coroner from 1997 to 2004 and again in 2009 to 2016.

Hunt is the past president of Crawfordsville Kiwanis and the past president of Indiana State Coroners Association. He also previously served on the Crawfordsville Airport Board and the Crawfordsville Fire Merit Board.

“I have been honored to serve the people of Montgomery County,” Hunt said. “We are in an exciting time with new growth in our job market, which will bring increased opportunities to our county.

“If re-elected I will continue to advocate for responsible spending and cooperation among agencies. Like many areas, our county is facing a housing shortage and I hope to continue to work to address this with the city and other county officials.

“We are also working to increase our funding to improve our county roadways which have long been underfunded. I look forward to continue working with the other county council members, commissioners and elected officials to make our county a better place to live.”

Hunt is president of Hunt & Son Funeral Home.

He and wife Karin reside in Crawfordsville. They have two children and three grandchildren.