Club News

Knights of Columbus Council 1591


Knights of Columbus Council 1591 recently held a dinner at which they hosted members of Special Olympics along with invited guest and members of Montgomery County Shrine Club. The dinner is one in which the two clubs take turns hosting each other a couple of times a year to gather, enjoy fellowship and a meal. Due to the pandemic, they had not been able to enjoy this time together for the last couple of years.

Guest Speaker was Tom Klein Montgomery County Administrator. He talked about the duties and the structure of the county government. He also fielded questions concerning several topics.

A check was presented to Special Olympics Chairman Michelle Goodin for $13,226.50. This is the money that was collected by the Knights of Columbus Council this past June from the Tootsie Roll Drive. This fund raiser is held once a year by the Knights to support the Special Olympics. The annual fund raiser begins with the Knights sending out letters to businesses, organizations, and professionals in Montgomery and Parke County requesting donations. Then in June of this past year the Knight were out on the corners passing out Tootsie Rolls and collecting donations from people in cars. The amazing thing is the generosity of the people of Montgomery County. This fund raiser collected nearly $10,000 in a day and a half. Every penny donated goes directly to the Special Olympics of this county. The Knights want to thank everyone for their help in this worthwhile endeavor and look forward to your continuing support.