Your View

Letter: Bane backs Frey for reelection


I am excited to announce that I am endorsing John Frey for Montgomery County Commissioner.

I’ve known Frey and his family for many years. I also had the pleasure of serving alongside him when he served on the county council and as commissioner.

I’m endorsing Frey because I’ve seen first hand how he pours his heart into the job of commissioner. He’s committed to finding new and creative ways to move our county forward, while maintaining those practices that work, from previous administrations.

Frey doesn’t shy away from difficult issues, Instead, he rolls up his sleeves, asks the tough questions, gets input from citizens, builds consensus and moves forward.

I know he cares deeply about his community and has what it takes to continue the progress we’ve made.

If you want to see Montgomery County continue to move in the right direction, please join me in supporting my friend, John Frey for county commissioner.

Phil Bane
