Your View

Letter: Reader calls for common sense measures


Here we go again. This time it is massive sprawling solar panel projects potentially spreading like a cancer across the farm land in Montgomery County. These industrial scale solar projects have the potential of covering thousands of acres of farm ground; with the risk of fire starting from overheated power inverters, then fire spreading across many acres of panel covered ground.

It would seem prudent on the part of the Montgomery County Planning Commission and Montgomery County Commissioners to set standards of spacing and placement. Also mandatory grounds maintenance and cleanup, as well as provisions for electrical fire fighting suppressant compounds, equipment and training for all of the Montgomery County fire crews in accordance with worst case scenario policies.

There should be a maximum amount of about 300 acres per square mile of solar panels. Developers, owners and lease holders should be subject to a built in “hold liable” provision for any ground water, run off or soil contamination due to broken or fire damaged panels with no LLC or contract term and exclusions to hide behind.

These common sense provisions should be put into place to protect the health, safety and welfare of Montgomery County citizens. Otherwise it might be said someday “Oh I wish we had planned better.”

Rich Watkins
