For the 11th consecutive year, Sheila and Mark Zachary help prepare meals at the First United Methodist Church for Thursday’s annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner. Though coronavirus concerns e canceled the traditional indoor dinner, the Zacharys and several helpers delivered meals. Thursday and served curbside at the church. As of Wednesday, the group had received more than 1,000 meal orders. The Zacharys are supported this year in preparations by Denise Bennett, Andrea Posthauer, Stephanie Hale and Deb Corey, as well as Chef Jason Anderson and Chef Rick Warner from Bon Appetit and Wabash College, respectively, who cooked 34 turkeys. Fifty turkeys have been prepared in total, compared to 2019 when 12 were cooked.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Thanksgiving Community Dinner volunteers Deb Corey, left, and Stephanie Hale prepare vast amounts of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, homemade noodles, dressing, green beans with ham and onions, rolls, apple and cranberry sauce and desserts, mostly consisting of traditional holiday pies such as pumpkin and pecan.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Denise Bennett oversees dessert preparations Wednesday at First United Methodist ahead of Thursday's Thanksgiving Community Meal.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Andrea Posthauer works to organize paper and plastic products Wednesday at First United Methodist ahead of Thursday's Thanksgiving Community Dinner.