
Maple Grove Extension Homemakers


The Maple Grove Homemakers met at 1:30 p.m. March 18 at the Waynetown Baptist Church with seven members present. The meeting was opened by President Linda Miller and members reciting the Pledge to the American Flag, Homemaker’s Creed and the Extension Homemaker’s Prayer. Roll call was answered with your favorite outfit color. Inspiration was given by Carol Vice on patience and kindness.

Secretary minutes were read and approved. Treasurer report was given by Sandy Lightle in the absence of Treasurer Betty Jeffers. Dues were collected as well as Coins for Friendship for the treasurer to be submitted to the County Extension Treasurer by April 16.

The Spring Tea will be April 9 at the 4-H Building. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6 p.m.

Cultural Arts entries are due May 20 at the 4-H Building between 4-5 p.m. The special project by the state will be a table runner. The runner is not to be more than 18” wide and the length is up to the individual. Everyone is encouraged to enter any or all of the cultural art exhibits. Achievement Night will be May 21 at the 4-H Building and the doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served following a program presented by Crescendos.

A slate of officers for Maple Grove was presented for the upcoming year, 2024-25, and are as follows:

Linda Miller, president; Carol Vice, vice president; Rita Kirkpatrick, secretary and public relations; Betty Jeffers, treasurer; Carol Crowder, song leader; Judy McBride, historian and membership; Sandy Lightle, advisor; and Betty Jeffers, cards and flowers.

Judy Tulley and Vice gave a report on the district meeting. They attended a presentation on the Girl Scouts and how they have changed over the years. They now have six to 18 different classifications and they teach the girls more on how to be leaders. They also had a speaker on health and how portions are more important than the size of food helpings.

Our lesson was on a three-ingredient No Churn Ice Cream given by Vice and we were given samples of the ice cream with cookies for refreshments.

Our next meeting will be April 15 and Minnie Howard will be the hostess.