Thanks & More

Marine Corps Birthday Celebration


I would like to thank all the Marines and their guests who were able to join us at the New Ross Steak House on Nov. 5 to celebrate the 248th Marine Corps Birthday. This has become a long-standing tradition for the Marines to get together and share memories of their time in the service. This year was the 11th annual birthday celebration at the New Ross Steak House. The Marines enjoy this time together and will continue to have this celebration as long as we have Marines.

We would love to have all Marines come join us for this celebration. We welcome the old, the new and everyone in between. This next year’s birthday dinner  falls on the actual Marine Corps Birthday, Nov. 10, 2024. Our celebration will start at 1 p.m. Please make plans to come and join us.

I would also like to thank the New Ross Steak House owners Jake and Kayleigh Arthur for opening their doors on a Sunday to honor our Marines for the Marine Corps Birthday Celebration.

Beverly Perry