Once again, Montgomery County Community Foundation and Putnam County Community Foundation, along with support from Hoosier Heartland State Bank, are hosting a Nonprofit Learning Series. These educational sessions are a great educational tool for organizations to use in building strength and capacity for their missions.
• Effective Strategic Planning, March 14
Are you looking for a road map for your organization? Have you been told you must have a strategic plan? If the answer to these or similar questions is yes, join us for a training session on effective strategic planning. You’ll learn a four-step process that you can implement on your own, or with a consultant’s help. Templates and resources are included to help you create a strategic plan for your organization. Amanda Lopez of Transform Consulting Group is the presenter. The session is 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Crawfordsville Country Club. Register at www.pcfoundation.org/npls/ by March 7; the fee is $30 and includes breakfast.
• Compassion Fatigue & Burnout, April 11
This session will discuss the fatigue and emotional exhaustion that can sometimes come from caring too much, for too long. Is there actually such a thing as too much caring? We’ll discuss and acknowledge emotions that many individuals feel when working in the non-profit sector, including warning signs, how to address root causes and tips for regaining your balance. Kim Dinwiddie, Purple Ink, is the presenter. The session is 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and will be held at The Inn at DePauw, Greencastle. Register at www.pcfoundation.org/npls/ by April 4; the fee is $30 and includes breakfast.