North Montgomery High School senior Kyle Bowman was all smiles Monday after the Montgomery County Commissioners awarded him their full-ride scholarship to Wabash College.
The scholarship covers four years at the local liberal arts college and is estimated to be worth $200,000.
“I am very honored to have received this scholarship,” Bowman said. “I am excited to get on with the next chapter of my life.”
Bowman is the son of Anissa Bowman and the late Tim Bowman. He plans to study history.
Wabash College’s Chip Timmons, who works in admission’s department, said the scholarship was established in the 1800’s when a fire destroyed a major building on the college’s campus. There were no funds to replace the destroyed building so county commissioners offered financial assistance to help Wabash. In exchange for the county’s benevolence, the college agreed to provide a full-ride scholarship to an outstanding Montgomery County student every other year.
“I don’t think the school trustees took into consideration of what inflation is at the time,” Timmons added with a smile. “But we are pleased to present this scholarship to Kyle.”
Several of Bowman’s relatives attended Monday’s presentation. However, the fact that Kyle’s father was not there was felt by family members. Tim passed away in March 2023 after a short battle with cancer.
“I know his father would be so proud of Kyle that he is attending Wabash,” Anissa said.
Several North Montgomery officials also attended the meeting, including Superintendent Dr. Colleen Moran.
“North Montgomery could not be more pleased than to see Kyle Bowman receive the commissioners’ scholarship to Wabash College,” Moran said. “Kyle is a great student who will make the most of this exceptional opportunity.”