LINDEN — Past experience and a sympathetic heart has a North Montgomery High School senior athlete helping students in need.
Corbin Meadows, along with the school’s Key Club, is developing the Thoughtful Threads program, which will offer students in need with free, quality clothing.
Meadows, who is a three-sport Charger athlete, told Key Club advisors, Elise Israel and Megan Oppy, he wanted to establish a program that would help distribute gently used clothing to fellow students. His idea is for students to donate their gently used clothing and make the items available for those students in need.
“I wanted to do something for the students because for four years I have seen kids walking around the school that look like they could use better or newer clothes,” Meadows said. “I realize some kids are wearing the best they have because they, or their parents, can’t afford to do more. I think a lot of us have clothes that we no longer wear. I want students to clean out their closets and drawers and donate to a student that would wear them.”
Meadows sought permission and support from school administrators. Assistant Principal Adam Welcher immediately approved the idea. Meadow’s next step was to approach the school’s Key Club advisors for help.
“Bottom line is we are really proud the idea came from (Corbin,)” Israel said. “I don’t want to say it was a shock, but I think sometimes it is hard for kids to come up with an idea to help their students.”
Meadows admits his family situation is good now, however, that was not always the case. Meadows is proud of his mother, Jennifer Harwood, who raised her four children through some difficult times. He watched his mother provide the best she could for her family, and he learned early on the difference between a want and a need.
“Through my four years here at North I have seen when someone might not have a wide variety of clothes,” Meadows said. “I definitely went through half of my life when I did not have all the things that a kid wanted, but I am thankful to be on the other side of all that now. I want to hopefully give back and help the students who might need the help.”
Corbin plans to put his extra clothing into the program. He admits to having four bags ready to bring to the school. His sister will add five bags of her own. Other students indicate they too will make clothing donations.
“I am hearing every day from kids saying they are donating,” Meadows said. “Actually, I am hearing from more students than I ever imagined would participate.”
“It blesses my heart,” Meadows added. “I could not have done this by myself.”
Oppy said the partnership of the new program and Key Club is a perfect match.
“Key Club is all about serving others and what better way to give service to others then to serve your peers,” Oppy said.
The Thoughtful Threads program also is being promoted through advisory classes, i.e., study periods. Advisory classes place students from all grades together. The advisory class that donates the most clothing will win a prize.
“This is another way that proves our advisory classes are so important,” Meadows said. “In advisory we have another way so you can do student-led projects and we can connect to students directly.”
Students have until March 1 to donate to Thoughtful Threads. Key Club members will then organize and prepare the clothing for distribution. The identity of the students who use Thoughtful Threads will be kept anonymous.
Key Club advisors hope other students, especially athletes, will participate in the program and see the importance of helping others and join Key Club. Israel and Oppy hope Thoughtful Threads will be an ongoing endeavor for years to come.