Henry Hartnett and Stormy Earls, front, head into the 20-second running portion of a couple warmup laps around the Crawfordsville Middle School parking lot Tuesday during physical education class.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Seventh graders Jaziel Gil Herrera, from left, Hayden Craig and Maddox Ball lead the pack Tuesday at Crawfordville Middle School during a physical education warm-up walk.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Physical education teachers Amanda Elizonzo and Andy Craig, left, instruct a seventh-grade class to warm up for a game of cardio softball by walking around the south parking lot at Crawfordsville Middle School. Student would run and walk for 20 seconds at a time to get loose and enjoy an outdoor break.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Sixth-grade student Sydney Elizonzo heads to first base Tuesday during a cardio softball game at Crawfordsville Middle School in which students play timed innings instead of counting "outs."