A rodeo in Crawfordsville? Yes, there is one a month on Saturday from April through October. The owners of the rodeo, Glenn Price, Emanual Allbrook and Bobby Cunningham, spoke to the Crawfordsville Rotary Club on May 24. The rodeo known as PAC Midwest Rodeo Co. is located at 235 E. U.S. 136 which is where the old drive-in theater used to be. The following events can be found at the rodeo: sheep riding.for children, calf riding for youth and bull riding and barrel racing are open. Admission is $15 per person. Children younger than 10 years of age are admitted free. Concessions and vendors are available. Bring.chairs, blankets and coolers and enjoy a great evening. Gates open at 4 p.m. For more information, visit them on Facebook at PACMidwestRodeoCo.