Extension Line

Stay nourished on any budget


As March unfolds, so does National Nutrition Month, an annual campaign that focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthy eating habits. This year, the campaign takes a step further with its theme “Beyond the Table,” addresses the farm-to-fork aspect of nutrition, from food production and distribution to navigating grocery stores and farmers markets — and even home food safety and storage practices.


Learn Cooking, Food Preparation, and Meal Planning Skills

One fundamental aspect of a healthy diet is the ability to cook nutritious meals at home, empowering individuals to take control of their diet and experiment with a variety of healthy ingredients. By mastering cooking techniques and meal planning, individuals can tailor their meals to meet nutritional needs while exploring diverse cuisines. Beginning with basic methods like sautéing and grilling lays a foundation for preparing a wide variety of nutritious dishes, offering flexibility in ingredient choice.

Experimenting with different fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can lead to the creation of balanced and flavorful dishes. It’s essential to aim for a diverse range of foods in meals to ensure you’re getting a broad spectrum of nutrients. Incorporating various colors, textures, and flavors keeps meals interesting and satisfying. Additionally, experimenting with herbs, spices, citrus juices, and healthy sauces can add flavor without relying on excessive salt, sugar, or unhealthy condiments.

Involving children in meal preparation teaches them about healthy eating habits and instills a love for cooking from an early age. It’s an opportunity to bond as a family while promoting lifelong skills and healthy habits.

Whether it’s mastering basic cooking methods or experimenting with new recipes, honing these skills can lead to healthier eating habits and greater culinary satisfaction.


Utilize Grocery Lists and Shop Sales for Smart Food Purchases

Another crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy diet is smart grocery shopping. Planning meals in advance and creating a detailed grocery list can help prevent impulse purchases and ensure that essential nutritious foods are included. Stick to the list to avoid buying unhealthy snacks or processed foods, which can derail healthy eating intentions. Additionally, taking advantage of sales and discounts on healthy food items can make nutritious eating more affordable. By planning meals around discounted items, individuals can save money while still prioritizing wholesome ingredients. Comparing prices and opting for bulk or frozen options can also help stretch the food budget further, ensuring a sustainable approach to healthy eating in the long term.


Explore Community Resources for Food Assistance

For those facing financial constraints or food insecurity, accessing community resources can be invaluable. National Nutrition Month’s “Beyond the Table” campaign encourages individuals to learn about and utilize resources such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), WIC (Women, Infants, and Children), and local food banks all available right here in Montgomery County.

These programs provide essential support to individuals and families, offering access to nutritious foods and nutrition education. By connecting with these resources, individuals can ensure that their nutritional needs are met, even during challenging times.


Prioritize Home Food Safety

Ensuring food safety is essential for maintaining good health. This includes proper handling, storage, and preparation of food to prevent foodborne illnesses.

By following basic food safety guidelines, such as washing hands before cooking, storing perishable foods correctly, and cooking food to safe temperatures, individuals can reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses and enjoy their meals with peace of mind.

National Nutrition Month’s “Beyond the Table” campaign serves as a reminder that healthy eating goes beyond simply what is on our plates. By learning essential cooking skills, utilizing smart shopping strategies, accessing community resources, and prioritizing food safety, individuals can take meaningful steps towards improving their overall health and well-being. As we embark on this month-long journey of nutritional awareness, let us embrace the opportunity to foster healthier habits and a deeper appreciation for the role of food in our lives.


Monica Nagele is the Montgomery County Extension Educator and County Extension Director, Health and Human Science. She is a registered dietitian. The Extension office is at 400 Parke Ave., Crawfordsville; 765-364-6363. She may be reached by email at mwilhoit@purdue.edu.