Members of the Byron Cox Unit 72 American Legion Auxiliary will be accepting donations from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 24 at the Breakfast Co. in honor of National Poppy Day. All proceeds are used to assist veterans. However, a donation is not required to receive a poppy. The poppy was established as the official flower of the American Legion Auxiliary in 1921 following World War I. The flower is a symbol that honors all veterans of the armed forces, and their families, who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the unique freedoms Americans enjoy daily. Auxiliary members pictured, in no particular order, are Carol Roberts, second vice president; Rosemary Hutchison, poppy chair and chair for the Indiana Veterans Home; Cindy Biddle, poppy committee; Sharon Barton; Sheila Davidson, incoming corresponding secretary on July 1; and Mary Jane Renick, incoming president on July 1. Veterans and past commanders in the back row are Joe Barton, Linn Hutchison and Dale Wilson. Not pictured are Shannon Switzer, treasurer; Kristy Byers, membership and first vice president; Angel Cooper and Meadow Pitts, poppy committee; and Marc Gabel, Post 72 commander. Mayor Todd Barton, at left, holds the city’s official Poppy Day proclamation.