Volunteers for Mental Health in Montgomery County has wrapped up another year’s Christmas Drive. Approximately 218 bags, brimming with fulfilled wishes, were delivered to nursing homes, group homes, mental health clients and residents of recovery programs through efforts of the volunteer organization.
“We are fortunate to exist in a community where we are not alone in completing this large task. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way,” stated organizers in a press release.
Thank you first to the Montgomery County community who so energetically supports us each year through donations of gift items in our collection bins and monetary donations to help purchase other items. We could not succeed without you.
A great thanks is owed to the Rev. Darla Goodrich and the staff and congregation of First Christian Church who opened their church home to our group. This was a major contribution to our program’s success this year.
Thank you to North Montgomery Schools and North Montgomery High School for lending home and hands for our 13th Wrap-a-thon. Thank you to Jon Guthrie for coordinating the wonderful young people from Health Occupations Student Association, National Honor Society, Student Council and Sunshine Society, who wrapped hundreds of gifts and helped deliver them to facilities. Thank you also to generous staff members: Libby Allen (student council), Angela Lewis (HOSA) and Mike Melvin (theatre) who shared their time and facilities to support the event.
Thank you to the staff members at local facilities who dedicate much time each year to interview their clients and complete their wish lists.
Thank you to the facilities that hosted the collection barrels: Allen’s Country Kitchen; Chase Bank-Crawfordsville Main; First Christian Church; Fusion 54; Heirloom; Brad Monts and all the employees at all the branches of Hoosier Heartland State Bank; Joshua Cup; New Market Christian Church; Pipher’s Engine; Recovery Rec; Stock+Field; Amy Wells and Megan Wager and the Teachers Credit Union family; Tri County Bank; and Young’s Chapel Christian Church.
Thank you to volunteers who gave many hours to assist us in our efforts: Ellen Ball; Patti Harvey family; the Lewish family; John Like; and John Walker. Thank you also to our board members Sheila Fenters and Sue Whalen, who volunteered extra time to help ensure the drive’s success.
Thank you to Binky Patrol Angel Blankets members who crafted beautiful quilts. Special thanks to Evelyn Miles and Donna Kahle who helped assure that enough were created for all in need.
Thank you to Kaitlin Wolf and the students at Hose Elementary who created beautiful original gift tags for each recipient.
Thank you to these donors who made monetary contributions (through Dec. 28) to help us purchase gifts and hard-to-find items: Near and Far Extension Homemaker Club; New Market Methodist Women; Maplegrove Extension Homemakers; Kappa Kappa Kappa Asoc. Chap.; Charlotte M Brown; Tom and Jane Gourley; Wayne E. Kessler Living R DTD; Suanne C. Larson and Jack Larson; Ruth J. Bronaugh; Ann Skomp; Maria Vannice; Tom and Cynda Mellish; Fern E. Rippy; Donna Stewart; Shannondale Bethel Presbyterian Church; Mary Jane Meadows; Corey Perigo; Jo Ann and Harry Sheets; James M. Tucker; Gerald and Susan Whalen; James and Sheila Fenters; Irmingard McKinney; Claudette B. Russell; CKC’S Indiana Extension Homemakers; Michael and Carol Stewart; Tobey and Peggy Herzog; Harold and Lois Miles Trust; Psi Iota Xi Gamma XI Chapter; Jonathan and Becky Guthrie; Deann K. King; Joyce and Jack Grimble; Kathleen Steele; Preceptor Gamma Mu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi; KP’s of the 80’s; and James and Janet Zielinski.
Thank you to Zac Bradford and William Harmon of Town and Country Print Shop for helping us to create our many documents for the drive and throughout the year.
Thank you to Nick Hedrick of the Journal Review, Tim Timmons of The Paper of Montgomery County and WCVL Radio for helping us achieve our goals by sharing our needs with those who could assist us.
Thank you to Montgomery County United Fund and those who support our efforts through contributions designated to us through MCUF.
Extra acknowledgment should be given to board members Kym Bushong and Mindy Like, our drive chairpersons, and Luke Walker, treasurer, for the countless hours they devoted to the drive by managing so many tasks and details from beginning to end.
We are humbled by the generosity of everyone who joins us each year to fulfill Christmas dreams and needs.”