Volunteers always needed, appreciated


It was exciting to see the community response to several things in my last letter. The day after the letter came out we received nine calls from people interested in volunteering at food and clothing sites. That was a breath of fresh air when we really needed the help. Please continue to think about the possibility of getting involved. Every day that we are open and many that we are not require the help of volunteers. New shelving is being constructed this weekend to try to deal with the crowded circumstances of our food bank. We are trying to maximize every inch we have.

The community response to the “souper bowl” was also a big help. Some churches are now doing Lenten drives to help those in need in our community. Whatever way you as individuals or groups within Montgomery County try to get involved is appreciated.

During this month we had volunteer students bag dog and cat food that we received in large bags to be shared among our clients. The food was free to us but needed to be bagged. Students getting involved in our community and experiencing how to help is important to their education as citizens. The “we” in this community includes all ages.

Clothing bank will be carrying winter clothes for another month and then begin to move to lighter clothing for warming weather. If you or your children are acquiring shoes or clothing for the change of season consider donating clean clothes in plastic bags in the donation bin in back of Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church. We want to see all the community citizens and children well taken care of this spring.

The promise of spring and gardens are on the horizon. A community gardening meeting that helps FISH is meeting this week to plan our strategy to get the most out of our land for the greatest benefit of our clients. Fresh produce is a struggle for us. We do not have storage space at FISH so whatever comes in must be given out in a day or so. Please consider as you plan your own garden that an extra row of beans or a few extra cabbage could really make a difference in someone’s life. Every head of lettuce helps.

Please feel free to contact us with ideas for the way you might like to help or if you know of some family that needs assistance. Volunteers are trained to help our clients and they are grateful for what they receive.

Mail donations to P.O. Box 261 or call 765-362-3474 for more information.


Linda Cherry, president of FISH, contributes a monthly column to the Journal Review.