What is VOTE411 and is it useful for me?


VOTE411 is an online tool for voters across the country. It is an objective, non-partisan source of election and candidate information managed by the National League of Women Voters. By going to the website, VOTE411.org/ballot, you can register to vote, find out if you’re already registered to vote, see what’s on your ballot, get a mail-in ballot, see your ballot and read about each candidate’s position on the issues.

While the National League of Women Voters owns and oversees the website, our local LWV organization, comprised of women and men you know, have posted information on Montgomery County candidates running for office. There are 16 candidates. They were all sent a list of questions, generated by our local League. Those 11 questions and each candidate’s responses are posted on VOTE411.org. Each candidate that responded also included their personal biographical information. The questions include important issues facing Montgomery County and Crawfordsville and asks the candidates to state their primary goals and list what professional experience they have. Candidates are asked what concerns constituents are expressing, what they can do to encourage business in our county and how they foresee recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read each candidate’s responses to these questions, read their biographical information and decide who aligns with your concerns and would best serve our community. Our League gave the candidates an opportunity to speak to you in writing to let you know their positions.

The League of Women Voters of Montgomery County has been among the first Leagues in Indiana to post on VOTE411.org. If information doesn’t appear about a candidate, that means the candidate didn’t respond to our request. Besides our local candidates, you can view responses from candidates running at the state and national level. The state League has written questions for state candidates and the LWVUS has written questions for Presidential candidates. From your computer, iPad, or phone, you can read responses written by the candidates who will be on your own ballot. We have also shared the local candidates’ responses with The Paper, the Journal Review and the local radio stations.

The Primary Election Day is June 2. So, you still have plenty of time to read responses from your candidates who will be on your ballot. Watch for special locations for the week of early voting, which will be starting on May 26. All League members believe voting is critical to our democracy. We encourage all citizens to be registered to vote and most importantly, to actually vote.