Preview Shelf

COVID-19 and safety measures at the library


In an effort to ensure a safe environment for employees and library patrons when we re-open the library and museum buildings (date still to be determined), the following measures are being put in place to minimize the chance of spreading the COVID-19 virus:

• Employee health screening

All employees are required to perform a self-assessment before leaving for work each scheduled workday, and then again before they enter the building. They must notify their supervisor, the assistant director or the director if they have a fever of 100 degrees or more or other CDC-recognized symptoms of COVID-19. The employee will be asked to stay at home, or to go home if at work, and call in for further guidance. The director will follow CDC recommendations or local healthcare provider guidance for when to allow the employee to return to work. The employee will work remotely from home when possible and/or use appropriate leaves.

• Cleaning/disinfecting protocols for facilities

Surfaces and carpets were thoroughly cleaned while the buildings were closed to the public. HEPA filters for the HVAC system will be upgraded. Cleaning staff and library staff continue to clean high-touch surfaces multiple times a day. Keyboard and mouse covers will be used on shared computers. Appropriate cleaning solutions will be used to sanitize computers and other equipment as necessary. Wipes are available at public service desks for use as well.

• Cleaning/disinfecting protocols for collection materials

Returned materials are quarantined for 72 hours before being placed back on the shelves or used to fill holds. Some materials may receive an ozone treatment or be wiped down with cleaning solutions as necessary. Children’s play materials will be unavailable or limited.

• Hand-washing/sanitizing availability

CDPL patrons and staff will have access to multiple restrooms with hand-washing procedure guidelines posted at the sinks. Hand sanitizer also will be made available at key locations throughout the facilities.

• Protective measures

CDPL staff will wear masks when in the vicinity of other staff and at all times in public areas until at least, but possibly through, Stage 4 of the Indiana Back on Track Plan. Gloves or other protective clothing/items may be worn by staff performing certain tasks. Until at least, but possibly through, Stage 4, we will ask patrons over the age of two to wear masks in the buildings. Single-use masks will be available for patrons to use.

• Social distancing

Social (or physical) distancing of 6 feet or more will be maintained when possible. Barriers will be placed at the circulation desk and other service desks/areas to ensure social distancing and provide enhanced protection. Seating will be limited, including for public computers, and spaced at least 6 feet from other seating. Meetings, gatherings, events and programs, when allowed, will require the ability of physical distancing to be maintained. Contactless filling of holds and document delivery services also will be offered. Separate hours for library users in populations more vulnerable to the virus may be instituted.

We miss our library users, and we will return to providing our community with the traditional services of a library soon when we have measures and procedures in place to keep us all as safe as possible.


Theresa Tyner, director of Crawfordsville District Public Library, contributed this week’s Preview Shelf column.