Your View

Letter: Reader supports BCA adjustment


For the sake of our manufacturing sector, it’s time to hold other countries accountable for their pollution.

In America, we produce manufactured goods much more cleanly and carbon-efficiently than the world. On average, we’re a whole 40% cleaner. Compared to China, we’re three-times more efficient.

Despite this, American producers get zero financial benefits for that clean production. This US “carbon advantage” ought to be monetized to boost our manufacturing industry — including here in Indiana. If we don’t, we essentially give foreign nations a free pass for their pollution, to the detriment of our own hardworking manufacturers, not to mention the environment.

How do we address this? Republican leaders are rallying around a trade policy, called a border carbon adjustment, that would give U.S. producers an instant advantage over their higher-polluting foreign competitors. A BCA would charge imports based on their higher pollution, thereby lowering imports from China and increasing U.S. manufacturing as a result. It’s an especially needed policy approach given the pressure to quickly strengthen domestic supply chains.

Our federal representatives — Senators Mike Braun and Todd Young and Congressmen Jim Baird and Larry Bucshon — are proud champions of the Hoosier manufacturing sector. Especially given the strong steel production in this area and across the state, I hope they will consider this approach.

Jonas Akers
