Club News

Montgomery County Retired Teachers


Vice President Steve Frees welcomed members and guests to the March 11 meeting of MCRTA at the library. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The invocation was given by Dr. Kathy Steele and included an Irish Blessing. Frees introduced David Johnson, the first dedicated executive director of the Montgomery County Free Clinic.

The MCFC was started in 1968 as the Christian Nursing Service with Dr. Mary Ludwig, Rev. Hotopp Zachary, Mary Leaming, Molly Cooper, Kathryn Milligan, Irene Pearson, Dorothy Stringer and Carolyn Snyder coordinating services. Eventually they added Meals or Wheels. In 2012 a ribbon cutting ceremony took place at the new facility at 816 Mill St. It included six exam rooms and two dental rooms. The Chief Medical Director is Dr. John Roberts. There is a staff of 24 people: seven paid and 17 volunteers. Dr. Janet Rucker and Dr. Molly Jones serve as dentists with two dental assistants. The office manager is Ashley Menard. The clinic serves Montgomery County residents who are currently uninsured and fall below the 300% of the federal poverty level. There are many volunteer opportunities at the clinic. There will be an open house at the clinic on April 23 and a fund raiser (Dining with the Chefs) on Aug. 10.

Johnson introduced the ways in which residents can support the clinic including support of the solar project and through NAP (the Neighborhood Assistance Project). Contact Johnson on the benefits of supporting these initiatives or to do volunteer service.

In the business meeting the minutes from the February meeting were approved as well as the treasurers’ report. Membership Chair Steele reported there are 140 members an increase of two members. Community Service Chair Nancy Bowes informed the group about the work of Montgomery County Mental Health Volunteers. A collection was taken. Legislative Chair Diane German reported that the Indiana General Assembly passed a bill giving the retired teachers a 13th check and a Cost of Living Adjustment. Member Concerns Chair Mary Lefebve told the group that Spring/Easter cards would be sent out. The nominations committee announced that Steele will be the vice president next year and that a secretary in still needed. It was decided that the next meeting should not be held on April 8 and it will be held on April 15 instead because of the solar eclipse. Frees called for the meeting to be adjourned. Marilyn Spear made the motion and Barb Foster seconded and the motion passed. Frees thanked the people who worked on the meeting. Door prizes were awarded.