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New YA books arrive at CDPL


Next time you visit the Crawfordsville District Public Library, I recommend browsing the Young Adult shelves for exciting new releases to curl up with as the weather cools. Although these books are labeled “young adult,” the stories within cover diverse genres, topics, and themes for teen and adult readers alike. Our “New YA” shelf is constantly expanding to include new titles. To get you started crafting your “to be read” list, I would love to share a few recent additions with you. I think you’ll quickly find that YA truly offers something for everyone!

October is nearly over, but we don’t have to bid “spooky season” farewell just yet. CDPL’s YA shelves are filled with thrillers to keep your heart thumping and your fingers flipping pages. For example, Astrid Scholte’s “The Vanishing Deep” (YA FIC Sch) blends the fantasy and thriller genres with a bone-chilling murder mystery set in a world of water.

If you would rather brighten these chilly evenings with humor and adventure, you might try Rick Riordan’s “The Trials of Apollo” series, a companion to the wildly popular “Percy Jackson and the Olympians.” The newest installment, “The Tower of Nero” (YA FIC Rio v. 5), recently arrived at CDPL. Another new arrival, Iva-Marie Palmer’s “Gimme Everything You Got” (YA FIC Pal), will transport you back in time to the 70s for a hilarious, lighthearted romance. Sandhya Menon’s “Of Curses and Kisses” (YA FIC Men) will appeal to fans of fairy tales with a modern twist on “Beauty and the Beast” set in a boarding school.

YA also covers more serious, topical issues that could spark a lively book club discussion. In Carrie S. Allen’s “Michigan vs. the Boys” (YA FIC All), a female hockey player must endure the hazing and harassment that comes with joining an all-boys team at her high school. “Dig,” a Printz Award winner by A.S. King (YA FIC Kin), follows a group of cousins dealing with poverty, grief, and prejudice.

Our YA graphic novel shelf is brimming with new additions as well. Anime fans might enjoy delving into “Ouran High School Host Club” (YA FIC Hat) and “My Hero Academia: School Briefs” (YA FIC Hor). “This Place: 150 Years Retold” (YA FIC Thi) is an anthology of stories by a group of Indigenous creators, featuring a breathtaking variety of artwork.

You can find these new arrivals and many more in the YA section in the Youth Services department at CDPL. While there, please browse our monthly YA display for even more recommendations (and free bookmarks). YA book highlights, updates on teen programming, reading challenges and more are posted regularly on Instagram @cdpl_teens. You are always welcome to stop by the Youth Services Desk and let us know which books you or your teen are enjoying — we would love to hear from you!


Noel Marquis is a Youth Services Librarian Assistant at CDPL.