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Letter: Bullerdicks will vote for Johnson


It is our privilege to endorse April Johnson for the position of Montgomery County Commissioner.

Johnson is a dedicated, passionate and rational decision maker. She’s committed to doing her homework to fully understand the issues she is working on. Her leadership qualities will serve the citizens well during these trying times.

Johnson grew up on a small dairy farm. She worked her way through college. She and her husband started their own seed research business while raising a family.

We believe as a commissioner that Johnson will closely review each expenditure and will be responsible with spending taxpayer dollars. As a small business owner, she knows the importance of local economics and smart financial allocations.

Johnson has concerns for the conditions of the roads in Montgomery County. Maintaining and repairing our roads are one of her goals.

She has a very positive attitude and wants what is best for Montgomery County. Because of the moral integrity we see in Johnson, she can count on our vote.

If you have questions or concerns, contact Johnson through her Facebook page at Citizens for April Johnson. She is ready to serve Montgomery County.

Ken and Julie Bullerdick
