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Letter: Reader believes Trump should not be President


I write in response to the comments directed at Dr. Hadley’s June 8 letter calling for decency in the White House. President Donald Trump’s actions and comments on Twitter are clearly despicable under any system of morality.

Making a plea for civil discourse, empathy and respect for others are all laudable goals. President Trump has made no moves towards these goals and meets attempts to spread the word of, “please stop killing US citizens in the street,” with tear gas and clubs.

It is clear that Ms. Combs is distraught. There are few times when a passive voter gets the candidate they think is ideal. Part of a democracy is making compromises. The choice going forward is Joe Biden, another white guy but with a 40-year track record of honest, competent governing experience or Trump, a multiple-bankrupt, reality TV con man who has set up the nation to be hollowed out from the inside and prone to a disastrous pandemic followed by massive street protests attacked by armed police and the military. While the stock market continues to flourish, unemployment is at record highs and environmental regulations have been gutted. All objective measures of Trump’s presidency are bad, except for his personal bank account.

Mr. Dodds appears to want to return to a time before President Obama. It is unclear how far back he wants to go or why. Perhaps he would be comfortable in a pre-civil war era. Trump is racist. Mr. Dodds is also concerned that people are disrespecting the president in front of children. This is a good point, however it is difficult to show respect for a President who tweets out messages that should not be shown to children and exhibits behavior that if done by a child would result in disciplinary action. Trump has not had to endure name calling and lack of respect, he initiates, incites and encourages it. I agree with Mr. Dodds that he should not be President.

Michael P. Fons
