Shawn Blackwell votes at Whitesville Christian Church Tuesday. Just over 200 votes had been cast at the church by mid-morning.
Nick Hedrick/Journal Review
Michelle Hunnicutt inserts her ballot into the tabulation machine Tuesday at Rock Point Church. Local polling sites reported steady traffic of voters.
Nick Hedrick/Journal Review
Ryan Fry votes at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds Tuesday. Nearly 400 people had cast ballots in the 4-H Building by late morning.
Nick Hedrick/Journal Review
Brandon and Leslie Peacock greet voters at Rockpoint Church on Election Day. The Peacocks said they observed smooth voting operations throughout the day at the church.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Twenty-three-year-old Joseph Franklin makes his voting selection Tuesday at Rock Point Church.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Poll worker Lindsay Young, right, explains 20-year-old Patrick Scheidler how to operate the a voting booth Tuesday at Rock Point Church.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Area resident Russ Fletcher welcomes voters to the 4-H Fairgrounds polling center on Election Day with free hugs and kisses. "No matter who wins tonight, tomorrow's gonna be a bad day for a lot of people. But if I can bring some sort of kindness and distraction from that, then it makes today all worth it for me," he said.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Election volunteers Josh Hacker and Jaiden Barber man their positions Tuesday at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Voter Nancy Bennington makes her selection of local, state and national candidates on Election Day afternoon at the Fairgrounds.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Mary Abney submits her ballot after making her picks Tuesday at the Fairgrounds.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Charlie German, from left, Diane German, Patty Miller and candidate for judgeship Chris Redmaster greet voters at North Montgomery on Tuesday as they make a final campaign push.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Voter Cindy Sheetz considers local, state and national candidates before casting her vote Tuesday at North Montgomery High School.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Todd Sheetz, left, prepares to cast his vote Tuesday at North Montgomery High School while poll worker Melissa Dees, seated, instructs him how to use the ballot box.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review
Poll volunteers Melissa Dees, left, and Eriyana Hart assist voters at North Montgomery on Tuesday.
Nick Wilson/Journal Review