Your View

Letter: Reader calls out pro sports salaries


It is astonishing to me that out world is being turned upside down by the salaries of professional athletes, not to mention the stance of our politicians and national leaders. Phillip Rivers threw 46 passes in the Colts losing effort Sunday. He earns $1,562,500 per game. This is $33,967.39 per pass. If this were the average salary of a public teacher, they would have to work 44 years to equal Rivers’ one-year salary. The Colts back up QB ran one play Sunday. His compensation for this play, based upon his annual salary is $1,500,000. All of us receive pleas every day to help feed the poor, house the homeless and save the dogs and cats. Oh, and support your favorite political candidate. Woe is me.

God bless our Colts.

Steve House
